Saturday, December 28, 2019
Is the C-Suite Your Sweet Spot
Is the C-Suite Your Sweet SpotIs the C-Suite Your Sweet SpotProve your worth in the C-seat by mastering leadership and eliciting excellence from others.What does it take to make it to the top of the corporate ladder? Few of us whove achieved senior corporate positions lack self-confidence, and weve convinced at least one employer of our ability to lead and function with significant independence. How does success in one or two functions translate into a top management position and how can you improve your chances if thats where youve platzdeckchen your sights?For this package, reporter Kevin Fogarty asked a variety of career experts about the secret ingredient to help a senior manager convince an employer that shes ready to raise her game to the next level.The key, experts agreed, lies in building on the leadership skills youve demonstrated within a prescribed function and proving that you can extend them to lead large groups of people whose specialties you cant replicate personally. Common wisdom warns against becoming a jack of all trades, master of none. But leadership itself is a trade to be mastered and the ability to apply it to elicit excellence from other specialists is a common trait of successful C-level executives.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Stoicism reveals 4 rituals that will make you confident
Stoicism reveals 4 rituals that will make you confidentStoicism reveals 4 rituals that will make you confidentEver feel like youre leid good enough? Something bad happens and your brain plays a YouTube highlight reel of every mistake youve ever made. Your confidence crashes and your self-esteem flatlines.Youre not alone. People have been feeling like this as long as there have been people. Its an old problem and there are old solutions - old solutions that work pretty darn well, as a matter of fact.Ive talked about how psychologists steam-cleaned and science-tized ancient Buddhism intomodern mindfulness. Well, some very smart people have also dusted off Stoicism and weaponized it into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) - which is the most empirically supported treatment for the majority of psychological conditions.Mindfulness is the gentle cousin that steps back, examines thoughts, and lets the problematic ones float away. But its not for everybodyCBT, on the other hand, is the agg ressive cousin that asks negative thoughts if theyd like to step outside and settle this in the alley behind the bar. Having honed Stoic principles into a martial art called rationality, CBT righteously whoops some tuchus on the ideas that bring you down.So when youre feeling not-so-large-and-in-charge and need a boost, how do you use the modern version of ancient Stoicism to manufacture mora mojo?Lets get to itCBT = scientific StoicismTheres a lot to Stoicism (if you want the full whack, gohere) but for our purposes were gonna Zeno in - whoops, I mean zero in - on one key conceptYour feelings come from your thoughts.The boulder falling on your Honda didnt make you sad. And the moron who called you a moron didnt make you angry. Your thoughts, judgments and beliefs about what happened are what creates your emotional reactions.FromThe Daily StoicIt isnt events themselves that disturb people, but only their judgments about them. EpictetusAnd its that idea that forms the core of Cogni tive Behavioral Therapy.FromThe CBT Toolbox A Workbook for Clients and CliniciansCBT (Beck, 2011) is based on the principle that thoughts influence feelings, feelings influence actions, and actions influence our results, or life circumstances. In other words, situations dont make us feel certain ways. People dont make us feel certain ways. Its how we interpret (or think about) situations or things people say or do that influences how we feel.Some people are probably rejecting this idea out of handThoughts are responsible? No way.I didnt even have time to think. He called me a moron andthatswhat made me feel angry.Sorry, no. If I pull a gun-like object out of my jacket and you believe its a water pistol, you dont get scared.If I pull a gun-like object out of my jacket and you believe its really a weapon, youre petrified. Very different emotional reaction. But what changed? Nothing but your beliefs.Maybe you hated that Honda and would prefer to have the insurance money. Maybe you know that moron is a moron and his opinion means nothing to you. Beliefs determine how you feel and react.The Stoics realized that we need to question irrational or unhelpful beliefs so we can see the world and ourselves more clearly and live a better life.FromThe Daily StoicToday I escaped from the crush of circumstances, or better put, I threw them out, for the crush welchesnt from outside me but in my own assumptions. Marcus AureliusBut getting rid of the irrational, negative thoughts doesnt mean you shouldjust try to fill your head with positive affirmations. Thats replacing one inaccurate thought with another because being overly positive can be delusional. We wantrationalthoughts.(To learn more about the science of a successful life, check out my new bookhere.)Okay, out with the unhelpful, irrational thoughts and in with the useful, rational thoughts but how do we do that?1) Identify and challenge distorted thoughtsWhen youre feeling unconfident or your self-esteem plummets, that voice in your head, what is it saying? Because we want to get under the feeling to the belief thats causing it. So answer this questionI felt unconfident because I thoughtYou probably have a few go to thoughts like, Im an idiot or Im a complete failure.Once youve identified them we go to part 2 challenging the thoughts.Stoics knew this second part was critical.FromThe Daily StoicFirst off, dont let the force of the impression carry you away. Say to it, Hold up a bit and let me see who you are and where you are from let me put you to the test EpictetusSo what does CBT recommend you do? For every distorted thought, provide a rational responseDistorted Because I screwed up this project, I will never amount to anything and I am a complete failure.Rational Ive done great on other projects in the past, so its not fair to say that I am a complete failure. And its likely I will have successes in the future.Dont let those irrational, overreaching negative thoughts slide by unquestioned. Cor rect them and, with time, youll be thinking the more rational responses instinctively.(To learn the six rituals from ancient wisdom that will make you happy, clickhere.)Thats fine for the occasional negative thought but what if youre someone who isalwaysfeeling low self-esteem andalwayslacking confidence? We gotta dig deeper2) Test your core beliefsIf you chronically feel down about yourself it may not be an issue of a negative thought here or there it may be that your core beliefs about yourself are negative.Ideas likeIm unlovable or Im a loser might be at the bottom of most of the decisions you make. So thats where you need to start.Challenging such a fundamental idea can seem daunting. That concept has a really good lawyer in your head who is constantly presenting tons of evidence to prove his case that youre a loser.So its probably not hard at all for you to make a list of all that proof. Okay, do it. Yeah. Write that stuff down. Seriously. No, its not fun.But its important. Ill waitDone? Ouch. Not feeling so hot now. But heres how we fix things. The prosecution presented its case. But what youve been lacking is a defense lawyer on the other side.FromThe Daily StoicThis is the true athlete the person in rigorous training against false impressions. Remain firm, you who suffer, dont be kidnapped by your impressions The struggle is great, the task divine to gain mastery, freedom, happiness, and tranquility. EpictetusWith only the Im a loser side having someone aggressively presenting evidence, youve got a bad case of negativity confirmation bias - youre only seeing the stuff that agrees with the idea that youre awful.So sit down and make a second list. A list of reasons you arenota loser - why the first lawyer is wrong.FromThe CBT Toolbox A Workbook for Clients and CliniciansBecause of how our filters (beliefs) are set up, we often notice instances that support the unhealthy beliefs more than we notice those that may support our opposite, healthy beliefs however, that evidence almost always exists as well. One valuable tool involves forcing ourselves to look back over those very same periods of life purposefully looking to see the evidence that supports our healthy beliefs.Is the no-self-esteem lawyer still winning? Probably. Youre not used to challenging that idea and you probably discount all the awesome things you do, if you notice them at all. So whats the magic secret here? You need co-counsel.CBT says that having a friend remind you of all the great stuff you do that makes you important and valuable can help you remember and stop you from dismissing solid evidence.FromThe CBT Toolbox A Workbook for Clients and CliniciansYou may want to rely on family members or friends who were around during each period of life to help you notice such evidence. Even if they share things they see as counting that you dont think should count write them down anywayHaving that list of reasons you are pretty darn awesome will help you dismiss that negative core belief and replace it with something more honest, accurate and rational.(To learn how to use CBT to never be frustrated again, clickhere.)Okay, you dug deep and addressed those core beliefs. But everything is not going to change overnight. (Sorry.) How do you keep reprogramming the computer and make aya those old bugs in the code dont pop up again?3) Have an evening confidence ritualThe Stoics knew you needed to take some time to reflect each day in order to keep improving.FromThe Daily StoicI will keep constant watch over myself and most usefully will put each day up for review Let us balance lifes books each day SenecaSo you went back and countered the Im a loser case with evidence from the past that you are not a loser. Well, this is a court case that never ends. Every day, take some time at night to think about what you did well. Keep accumulating evidence.FromThe CBT Toolbox A Workbook for Clients and CliniciansAnother important tool for developing more healthy beliefs and thus becoming less reactive, is an ongoing evidence log. Whereas previous tools required you to review your life and look for evidence from the past, ongoing evidence logs ask you to be mindful of evidence in your everyday life.With time, youll notice the positive more often. And youll associate it with who you are. And your self-concept will become more positive.FromThe Daily StoicYour mind will take the shape of what you frequently hold in thought, for the menschengerecht spirit is colored by such impressions. Marcus Aurelius(To learn the seven-step morning ritual that will make you happy all day, clickhere.)Alrighty, youve identified and challenged, youve dug deep, and youre following it up with an evening confidence ritual each night So whats the final step toward solid Stoic self-esteem?4) Use a cognitive cue cardKeep monitoring that negative chatter in your noggin and dont immediately accept it. ABC, kiddos Always. Be. Challenging.FromThe Daily StoicWhen you are di stressed by an external thing, its not the thing itself that troubles you, but only your judgment of it. And you can wipe this out at a moments notice. Marcus AureliusSo how can you make the challenging smoother so you dont spend all day arguing with yourself back and forth like an insane person?Have a set response to challenge the negative thoughts youre accustomed to hearing.In fact, its a good idea to write it down on a card.When youre too tired to self-argue, and you know your brain is headed in the wrong direction, use your cognitive cue card to make sure your interpretations are rational and not negative.FromThe CBT Toolbox A Workbook for Clients and CliniciansOne tool that can assist us in doing better in the heat of the moment is flashcards Cognitive cue cards are designed to help us think differently in those situations. So the idea here is, in your calm moments, write down on a 35 note card what you believe you need to hear during the less-calm moments.The message on your card should take the structure of Just because ______ doesnt mean ______.Maybe youre socially awkward and beat yourself up about it Just because I said something silly doesnt mean Im a loser. Everyone makes mistakes and Im making fewer of them since reading that absolutely wonderful, fantastic blog post.Keep at it. Have that card in your pocket and be compassionate with yourself. Its going to take time, but with practice youll internalize the message. Why? Because its rational. It makes sense.(To learn the four Stoic secrets to being more productive, clickhere.)Okay, youve earned your toga - and some self-esteem. Lets confidently round everything upSum upHere are the four rituals from Stoicism and CBT that will make you confidentIdentify and challenge distorted thoughts (Why did I use the word distorted? Its a lousy word. And Im a lousy person Um, hold on a second willya? I have challenging to do)Test your core beliefs The prosecution has been assembling evidence that youre useless for years. Time for the defense to present their case. And make sure to have co-counsel assist you.Have an evening confidence ritual All you have to do is sit back for two minutes and think about all the great stuff you did today. Best homework ever.Use a cognitive cue card In high school, having the answers on a card in your pocket was called cheating. In life its emotionally healthy and will not get you detention.Reprogramming your grey matter with Scientific Stoicism takes time. Youll screw up. Thats okay. Yeah, the Stoics knew that too.FromThe Daily StoicWell-being is realized by small steps, but is truly no small thing. ZenoFocus on progress, not perfection. Youll never feel confident 100% of the time. (That would be kinda scary.) But I believe you can get better. I believe you can be much better.And our beliefs create our feelings. So its rational to feel good.Join more than 320,000 readers.Get a free weekly update via emailhere.Related postsNew Neuroscience Reveals 4 Rituals That Will Make You HappyNew Harvard Research Reveals A Fun Way To Be More SuccessfulHow To Get People To Like You 7 Ways From An FBI Behavior ExpertThis articlefirst appeared at Barking Up the Wrong Tree.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Where and Why to Include Volunteer Work on Resume
Where and Why to Include Volunteer Work on Resume Where and Why to Include Volunteer Work on Resume Volunteering has numerous benefits for job candidates, and there are multiple ways to effectively showcase it with your resume format. The formatting option thats best for you depends on the kind of volunteer work you do (or have done), and your reason for including your volunteer work on resume.Increase your chances with volunteer work on resumeIf you are a high school or college student, or someone just starting out in your career, you might turn to volunteer work in order to bolster your experience. According to The Guardian, 75% of employers say that volunteer work boosts a job applicants chances. Volunteering on a regular basis gives you a chance to prove that you are reliable, hard-working, willing to learn, and interested in going above and beyond. Anyone can list these qualities on their resume, but having a regular volunteer activity is a surefire way of backing them up.A rece nt study by the Center for Economic Policy Research found that volunteering is in fact associated with a significant improvement in job prospects, but only among those who volunteered for more than 20 hours per year. Volunteering regularly will also give you the chance to build relationships, expand your network, secure good references, and even find a mentor.Where to put volunteer work on resumeYour volunteer experience doesnt have to be relegated to a paltry mention at the end of your resume. When you create your resume, you can list your volunteering gig- with details about your accomplishments and duties- with the rest of your relevant experience. Just name this section experience rather than professional experience or paid experience. Many employers favor hiring people who are already employed, and even if you arent employed, a regular volunteering gig shows that you are spending your time productively. Volunteer work can also be a great way of getting introduced to a variety o f work environments and learning how to navigate them.Volunteer work on resume can help you change careersIf you are a mid-career or late-career employee looking to change careers, you may choose to include volunteer activities that highlight skills outside of those typically used in your current job. Volunteering can serve as an effective stepping stone in your transition to a new field.If, for example, you want to get into fest marketing, then there are countless ways you can show you are motivated to work in that industry. Set-up and take-down of events, arranging for speakers and venues, managing volunteers, staffing tables, helping with outreach- these are all among the experiences sought after by those looking to fill event marketing roles. Non-profits are always in need of good event staff, making volunteering a fantastic way to get your foot in the door.Volunteer work adds keywords to your resumeGaining experience relevant to the field you want to be in not only gives you th e chance to impress people who might be able to offer referrals, it also gives you the chance to bolster your resume using keywords. Being able to delineate relevant experience on your resume will drastically boost your chances of making it past a screening from an applicant tracking system. These systems reject or advance applicants resumes based on how well their content matches up with the job description.If you are looking to change careers and highlight skills gained from your volunteer experience, you might consider a resume format other than the standard chronological format. Functional resumes or combination resumes (which blend chronological and functional resume formats) focus more on skills and experience than on a year-by-year timeline. These formats can serve to better highlight what you know rather than when you did it.Even if you are already well into your career, and not looking to change fields, volunteer experience can still help you stand out as a candidate. In a job market where each job posted online receives an average of 250 applications, according to ERE, every applicant faces a lot of competition. Volunteer work can increase the number or sortiment of skills you list in your technical section, or even lead to a distinctionsuch as an award for your service. You should also take the step of adding your volunteer work to your LinkedIn profile, and connect with others involved with the same organization or cause.No matter your experience level or career goals, volunteer work can pay dividends, and your resume format can help you show it off.
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Things to Know About Job Outlook
Things to Know About Job OutlookThings to Know About Job OutlookJob outlook is a forecast of the change in the number of people employed in a particular occupation over a set period, for example, two years, five years or ten years. Economists at the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), a division of the United States Department of Labor, predict whether- and by how much- the rate of employment will increase or decrease between abase year and a target year. The BLS publishes this information for hundreds of occupations in the Occupational Outlook Handbookand updates it every two years. The BLS compares an occupations projected employment change, usually over 10 years, to the average projected change in employment for all occupations over the saatkorn period. They describe a careers projected job outlook by saying it will grow much faster than average (an increase of 14% or more)grow faster than average (an increase of between 9% and 13%)grow about as fast as average (an increase of betwe en 5% to 8%)grow more slowly than average (an increase of between 2% and 4%)have little or no change (a decrease or increase of 1% or less)decline (a decrease of at least 2%) Why You Must Consider Job Outlook When Choosing a Career It is essential to consider an occupations employment outlook, among other labor market information, when you are choosing a career. After determining a career is a good fit based on the results of a self assessment, take the time to learn everything about it before investing money and time preparing for it. That must include determining whether you are likely to find a job when your training and education are complete. While there are no guarantees even for occupations with an exceptional outlook, the odds should be in your favor. Also investigate the job outlook for your current occupation when you are thinking about changing careers. One of the reasons to make a career change is a worsening job outlook. If employment opportunities are few and it lo oks like they will get even worse, it may be time to prepare to work in a different field. Limitations of Job Outlook Figures While it is important to find out whether an occupation has a positive job outlook, this projection alone does not give you all the required information to know about your chances of finding futureemployment. Look at job prospects as well. The same economists who estimate employment growth also compare the number of job seekers with the number of job openings to determine job prospects. Although the BLS may project employment in a particular occupation will grow much faster than average over the next 10 years, the number of available jobs may be few. One reason may be that some fields dont employ many people. Even if economists expect high growth, it may not translate into a significant number of opportunities for those hoping to enter a field or industry. Another important thing to keep in mind is that, despite economists ability to make educated predic tions, job outlook and prospects can change unexpectedly. Employment growth can slow down, and it can speed up, due to the influence of a variety of factors. For example, if more job candidates are available than there are job openings, it will be harder to find work. Likewise, when there are fewer qualified applicants, it will be easier to get hired. Additionally, a downturn or upturn in an industry will change the outlook. While looking at national data is an essential first step in researching the job outlook for an occupation, dont skip also investigating the forecasts for that occupation in the state in which you want to work. UseProjections Central State Occupational Projectionsto find long- and short-term occupational predictions that will also affect your ability to get a job.
Monday, December 9, 2019
Top How to Put References on a Resume Reviews!
Top How to Put References on a Resume Reviews The Most Popular How to Put References on a Resume A sample of resumes also tells you whats hot in the region of your interest. Hope you will give it a go and make your awesome resumes later on. There is an abundance of resume samples readily available online. You dont need to have a terrific site, you merely need to have a passable one (and it should work on mobile). What You Must Know About How to Put References on a Resume If you own a post degree, for instance, you should be sure to platzset the name of the university and college where you earned your degree in addition to the degree that you earned. A teaching resume ought to be designed to reflect that youre well-established in your area and you have the background and teaching experience they may require. For instance, you may have done a course together with your college degree. A resume sample of a university professor would is be germane to the majority of job-seeker s as it wouldnt reflect their special ability, training, education, and experience. So rather than focusing on their preceding employment youre able to highlight their qualifications. In general, the secret to having your objectives stand out and produce the grade is to get good presentation, and excellent qualification highlights. Make sure that you dont get bogged down with the creative procedure and remember to incorporate all your job duties, tasks and accomplishments. It is crucial to make your resumes stick out from your competition. As for resume format, you should check at where youre in your career and choose the resume format best suited to your circumstance. Career objective section in resume will incorporate the facts of your future accomplishments that you would like to accomplish working on the specific position in the business. If youre looking for a professional position, you ought to choose a program that specializes in creating professional resumes. If, f or instance, you are looking for a professional position, you ought to pick a resume format sample that depicts an expert quality. The Good, the Bad and How to Put References on a Resume If you believe handing in a resume that resembles everyone elses is a very good concept, then do it. Write the letter the way that youll write a typical titelblatt letter. A terrific cover letter is a chance to explain any shortcomings you may have. Crafting a cover letter might look like a tantamount undertaking for a number of individuals, but you can come across some simple cover letters for a resume sample in many places on the web. The solution is 6 seconds for the very first pass. When you get a great resume and a terrific cover letter, you will get a better likelihood of finding the call for an interview. The primary reason for writing a cover letter is to grab the interest of a work employer at the exact first glance. If you want to find a fundamental cover letter for a resume sample s, you can discover all types of places that will provide you with the help you want. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on How to Put References on a Resume No matter which type of profession youre seeking, theres a resume writing sample that may support you in making your own resume. Both are impressive, but be sure to craft a purposeful and meaningful story in regards to your current and previous job titles as it matters. Do elend unnecessarily increase the distance of resume by including irrelevant details, but include all things which you feel may assist you in your work. If you havent before prepared a resume, a resume writing sample is a best method to discover just exactly what you have to include in your resume. New Ideas Into How to Put References on a Resume Never Before Revealed Although its important to be aware of what the organization youre applying to is seeking, its also important to learn your own strengths so you can adapt them to suit the cor poration. Project management IT jobs is among the hottest careers that lots of professionals aim for. Utilize your judgment, and as always, you need to always prepare numerous resumes for many varieties of companies. A decent financial system is essential for each and every company. Whats Actually Happening with How to Put References on a Resume So prior to getting the impulse to search online for sample resume objectives, continue reading. Resume writing is a vital part in every persons application practice. This article will give a the 5 primary components which make up waitress resumes. Almost always youve got to change between tasks and frequently you will need to do more things at the exact same time. Among the other essential things to keep in mind is that if you have undertaken computer training before, your trainers should have reinforced the simple fact which you should know your key terminology and shortcuts. There are a number of reasons why you would take on a part-time job. So if youre fighting to compose your resume or are having trouble getting work, keep in mind that you would like to be a teacher. In addition, there are many set of templates readily available online. Creating a resume is simple. You may add images or designs and exceptional fonts.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Definitions of S Best Resume Writing Service Reviews
Definitions of S Best Resume Writing tafelgeschirr Reviews Whatever They Told You About S Best Resume Writing Service Reviews Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why The writers present exactly what employers search for and describe accomplishments and abilities in the most efficient manner. If you havent ever worked before, youre annoyed in regards to completing the work history section. Though its tricky to pinpoint any single resume writing services being at the surface of the line, theres no denying that there are respective writers around who have a high success ratio to demonstrate their work. Instead replace of all of them with action verbs which most describe that which you have done before. S Best Resume Writing Service Reviews Options If you read testimonials on the site of the organization, it is not surprising to discover glowing reviews. Resume services can vary from very little money to huge amounts and each resume service will provide a wide variety of services for you to select from. Following are the points that could help you choose the ideal service there is. Now you know the role of writing the resume summary paragraph its important to see the appropriate grammar, formatting and sentence flow thats typically utilized in professionally written resumes. Writing resume with the assistance of resume templates readily available on the web has become the most efficient method of writing resumes that ensure that youre using the suitable format and correct information that is proper for the job youre applying for. Resume writing services often provide a whole package strategy to resume writing. Resume writing services have a personalized approach to come up with a sort of resume that is sure to supply the maximum quality of professional resume writing. The Benefits of S Best Resume Writing Service Reviews Spending some time researching a resume writing service can help set your mind at ease and lead to a top quality new resume for yourself. If you go for a resume service which has a jumbled and confusing worksheet, then odds are that is precisely how your resume will turn out. All 3 professional resume writer companies supply a wide array of services and therefore do your homework and check into each one thoroughly before making your choice. When looking at the price of a resume service, consider first what youve gone through to get where youre. The One Thing to Do for S Best Resume Writing Service Reviews Keep in mind, your resume is the simplest way for you to receive your foot in the door for a desirable job. Clearly, you wouldnt like to miss any info that, at later stage, hampers your probability of getting employed. Obviously, whenever youre looking for a resume writing service, dont neglect to obey your gut. All you have to do is to register online and pick the type of resume you are searching for and they shall create the resume within the time lines promised. Resume Writing Services are efficient resou rce for having a decent resumes as application for those jobs. Its also wise to mention about the things you have accomplished in your prior jobs. Resume Writing Categories When you look at resume services, youre observe that they are available in several unique categories and youre going to want to select the right sort for your job search requirements. Resume writing services may be used by men and women who arent just fresh graduates and are searching for their very first job.
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