Wednesday, April 29, 2020

No...but thanks for asking! - When I Grow Up

No...but thanks for asking! - When I Grow Up Every month, Im gonna stretch my designer-y skills and give ya my mantra (or a great quote from someone else, or a passing thought, or an a-ha! moment) as an image. You can print it out and tape it up where ya need to remind yourself of it, or download it as your desktop wallpaper, or add it to your Pinterest boardwhatever ya want! As a recovering people pleaser, I was used to saying Yes.and then coming up with a lil white lie down the line to get myself out of whatever I begrudgingly committed myself to. But as my mentor Judge Judy says, If you tell the truth, you dont have to have a good memory and my memory became quite terrible. I hated lying, I hated the guilt that came with it, and I certainly hated having to remember when I was sick or had to work late or visit my family. Horrible! Despite the fact that I honestly havent done that in a number of years, Im still conditioned to say Yes! I said Yes to everything that came my way when I was building my business and it was sooooo helpful in getting people to know who I am and what I do but then it got to the point that, well, there was just 1 of me and a whole lot of offers. Not that I wasnt grateful, but man oh man it became much too much! So, I took out my markers and my cardstock and wrote this NO (but thanks for asking) and taped it to my computer for a month. I said No, but thanks for asking! every time something wasnt a Hell Yes!, and it was just the barometer I needed. Hope its the barometer you need, too! (If youre one of those peeps who needs more Yes in their life, make your own YES (Id love to!) and stick it where itll make an impact. Would love to hear what comes out of it!)

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